ptt_trace - PTT daemon
ptt_trace [options] cmd [cmd_param...]
Its primary function is to collect the data
generated by the instrumented NPTL
and to commit it in a file.
It links cmd to the instrumented libpthread
building in the installation process.
- -s size
set the buffer size
- -h
display the help
- -v
be verbose
- -m max
split in files of max bytes.
If 0, don't split file (default).
Warning: max is not a strict limit,
but only an indication for the PTT daemon.
- -f max
Keep only max file on the disk.
The additional file will be erased.
- -n name
Name of the prefix of the trace file.
The default is trace_[date]_[pid].
- -l level
set the log level
You can select multiple level with comma.
For example if you want mutex and cond-var,
Following values can be used:
to trace nothing
to trace everything
to trace only function calls and returns
to trace everything about threads
to trace only function calls and returns about threads
to trace everything about barriers
to trace only function calls and returns about barriers
to trace everything about mutexes
to trace only function calls and returns about mutexes
to trace everything about conditional variables
to trace only function calls and returns conditional variables
to trace everything about semaphores
to trace only function calls and returns semaphores
- -ori
links cmd to the non-instrumented NPTL
building in the installation process.
Therefore, the trace mechanism won't be active.
This can be useful to compare results
with and without the trace mechanism
(for example, to measure the impact of the instrumentation
in the patched library).
Other options will have no effect if you use -ori.
Note: This option is not available
if PTT is built with the configure
--with-ptt-friendly-glibc option.
Stress programs sometimes hang
when using PTT.
On some (rare) systems,
dynamic linkage to libpthread won't work
For such systems,
relink your application to the instrumented glibc,
using the following gcc flags:
Flags to apply for your system
are written in the file patch_glibc/flags.txt
created when building glibc.
, ptt_view(1)
, ptt_paje(1)
Matthieu CASTET, Nadege GRIESSER, Guillaume DURANCEAU